PRAD – Post Result Announcement Drift 5 (7)

When a stock reacts to announced result in positively in unambiguous way in terms of price action and it happens in an environment that is marred with uncertainty and apparent worsening macros then you should not ignore it. Such stocks tend to deliver unsurprising outperformance. This, in and itself, is a set up that can …

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Old Horse Readying For Blast 4.6 (7)

Sometimes you are early and few times you are way too early. In business of stock market, being too early is practically indistinguishable from being wrong. Sometimes you are right for time being then go wrong. Today we will talk about one such stock that did well after coverage then lost sheen and now after …

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Shrugging Off Worries Kind Market 5 (10)

A market that was trending upwards for some time has to exhaust the up move at some point as incrementally the buyers and buying power both deplete but before that happens on the other side, traders and investors find it hard to believe when market starts to move upwards after a good correction as worries …

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Few Bets Looking Great 4.8 (14)

The market has a job… job of confounding everyone only to do what most were expecting. That is why if you start listening to what others are saying as opposed to what they are doing as signalled by price you stand to make big mistakes. Never make this mistake. This is a only cardinal sin …

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Thematic Stories 5 (8)

Market has its own mood which sometimes has little connection to what people are seeing around themselves but as the time passes all of it starts making sense. This is the reason why relying on what market has to say is more important than what anyone else has to say about the market. Market has …

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Value Emerging in Some Stocks 5 (3)

We have been in long and gruelling correction since Oct’21 and market has made no progress since then barring select thematic stocks. This has happened while some businesses were growing, making decisions that led to improvement in margins and some have grown capacity. This price correction and time correction even though businesses have improved led …

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Stagnating Market 5 (1)

The market has been stalling for so long where it moves to some extent in one direction only to come back and make net movement zero. This is difficult environment if you are trying to make decent money in 2-3 months time period. Either you reduce the time period and take quick profits or take …

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Thematic Stock Developing Momentum 5 (1)

Prices drop to find the buyer and prices rise to find the seller. That’s all that is there in the market. When price is too low but there are many buyers then there is no way other than prices rising to create the balance. Similarly when price is too high but there are many sellers …

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Stocks With Exploding Earnings 3.7 (3)

Every year incrementally there is very little that is new comes to fore but basic things keep coming back to reinforce why they were so important earlier. 2022 was not any different from that point of view. Happy New Year 2023! Wish you and your dear ones a prosperous & healthy 2023. Ganesha is into …

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