You get the theme right and probability of you making money goes much higher. A stock that looks similarly placed in terms of technicals and price action may not do as well simply because it comes from a sector or theme that market has no liking for right now. Never lose sight of that. Zee …
Thread April 2022 1.0
Three Stocks Setting Up Well
Next Big Bet
Thread March 2022 2.0
Thematic Stocks Looking Good
The job of the market is to inflict maximum pain to maximum number of people at any point in time. That will be achieved when market moves against the positions positioned for a particular move. If already most people are positioned for market fall then who else will short it? Little buying can rocket the …
Thread March 2022 1.0
Thread Feb 2022 2.0
There is a considerable risk in all the stocks regardless of their name, quality, industry, blue chip status or business numbers. Often you will see that stocks will top out while earnings are still good, everybody will be bullish and analysts will be giving much higher targets. There is nothing like safe stock and any …