Welcome to BNP PRO

As pre-requisite to become PRO, please complete this 20-episode video series #StockPeCharcha first.

PRO membership only opens on last day of each month for 48 hours and you can renew anytime following same steps as new subscription.

Just like everything has started for you in life at some point where you took a seemingly non-descript decision but later on it turned out to be such a great thing, we hope that becoming PRO will be one of those defining moments for you in your life. Not everything starts great. Not everything that starts bad keeps being bad. Barring initial momentum, a lot depends on how you take it – your attitude and ethics when things are not going your way.

Now that you are PRO, please follow below things religiously (does it seem odd nobody says spiritually? Ever wondered why?)

  • Do not ask anything anywhere in DM. Always, use Pumble discussion or other relevant channel there or public telegram group or tag in X to ask questions.

Once you are done with the above points, the real game starts:

Make full use of PRO exclusive videos!

Good luck!!

Disclaimer: Posts on the platforms of BN are our perspective on the market. These are purely meant for learning purposes. The perspective provided should not be construed as investment advice or solicitation to trade. We may have positions in the stock mentioned. You agree to make no trade relying on the above contained information fully or partly. By using the content, you agree to these T&Cs.

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