Has the method of stock analysis that you earlier followed taken a lot of time, your money and delayed your earnings? Or has it made you better and you earned a lot? How has been your experience since you became BNP Pro member? Hope this current set up has shown you the possibility even if …
Thread April 2021 2.0
Thread April 2021 1.0
In a world where everybody is increasingly becoming so sure about everything that they do, if you have ways to figure out when you are wrong then it becomes an edge. That precisely is our edge over all kinds of investors. Investors do extensive work on business, financials, management and what not before actually investing. …
Thread March 2021 2.0
That idea of “watching paint dry” or “watching grass grow” equivalent to being in the market and make money is a hogwash sold to you. Earlier you junk this better off you will be. It is meant for institutions or billionaires. You are neither. Why put the onerous conditions then? We have limited capital which …