PRAD – Post Result Announcement Drift 5 (8)

When a stock reacts to announced result in positively in unambiguous way in terms of price action and it happens in an environment that is marred with uncertainty and apparent worsening macros then you should not ignore it. Such stocks tend to deliver unsurprising outperformance. This, in and itself, is a set up that can …

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How to Find Multibagger 5 (7)

People have varied notions about how to spot a multibagger but if you understand the core principles of the field then all of it becomes simpler and easier. For finding multibaggers we will discuss simple process which will not involve what global landscape of the business is covering 15 MNC peers and without any channel …

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Good Stock vs Good Business 5 (1)

Not every good business is a good stock. Not every good stock is a good business. Knowing the difference between the two decides how good CAGR you can generate. Few days ago we put out some polls. First we asked what would be average age of BNP followers – 50% people went with 35 years …

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Method In Madness – BNP Way 5 (6)

There are many ways to make money in the market. What you should focus on is how simple, replicable it is. If something is simple enough for you and can be replicated then you can take it under consideration. Now only thing remains whether it suits you temperamentally or not. There could be many simple …

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Value Investor vs Price Action Follower 5 (1)

We often say that it is a structural story to many stock. What do we mean by that? Structural story in terms of the future trend, industry direction and particular business direction. But does that mean as a shareholder you will make money in all such structural stories? Not necessarily. You see that is why …

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Intrinsic Value? Fair Value? Is there Any Value in Calculating Them? 5 (4)

You will often see people calculating the value which they think business should trade at. Often it is known as fair value or intrinsic value of a company. It involves a lot of elaborate models with many variables. Usually the more complex it is better people consider it. Because more complexity is taken as a …

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Dividend Investing myths and how growing earnings can change the returns 5 (2)

The moment somebody talks about dividend in India people start thinking about Coal India, IOC, PFC and so on. There is a difference between dividend yield and dividend investing. There is little to no relation between investing for dividend and current dividend yield on offer. The correct term to use in such cases is dividend …

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